

Materi Bahasa Inggris: Procedure Texts
March 25, 2010 — har


Materi, Soal dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Ujian Nasional SMP

Procedure/Procedural Text, Teks Prosedur, adalah teks yang berisi prosedur, instruksi, proses, cara, atau langkah-langkah dalam membuat/melakukan (mengoperasikan) sesuatu.

Ciri-ciri Procedure Text:

1. Struktur umumnya (generic structure) terdiri dari:

Goal/Aim: tujuan dan maksud isi teks. Contoh: How to make sandwich…

Material/Tool: bahan atau alat-alat yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat/melakukan sesuatu. Contoh: The materials are as follows: 1. Two slides of bread, 2. Fried-egg, strawberry jam, chocolate sprinkles, ….

Steps/Procedures: langkah-langkah atau prosedur dalam melakukan/membuat sesuatu. Contoh: First, take two slides of bread and …

2. Menggunakan tenses “simple present”

3. Sering memakai kalimat Perintah (imperatives/orders). Contoh: Turn on the lamp, Put the rice into the rice cooker, Don’t forget to press the ‘on’ button, …

4. Kata-kata urutan (sequences). Contoh: first, second, then, next, the last, finally…



Title : The Importance of Mastering English
Grade : SMA/MA/SMK/University
Script : Mr. Jasmansyah_ www.mgmp2008.wordpress.com

Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarokatuh,
Your Excellencies the committee,
The honorable juries,
Dear my friends who participate in this speech contest,
And my loving brothers and sisters
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent and the Merciful.
All praises be to Allah SWT, the lord of the world, the master of the day after, the
creator of everything in this Universe, where he has no partner. He has also given us
such deeply enjoyable, particularly faith and healthy comfort, hence, we could attend
here in a good situation.
Peace and Salutation be upon our prophet Muhammad SAW, who has taught us the
cardinal principles of the unity of God, obliged us to confess it with the tongue and
believe it in the heart. He also has brought us from the darkness to the brightness, from
stupidity to cleverness, in the other word “Minazzhulumaati Ilannuur”
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Indeed, it is very great pleasure for me in this precious chance to deliver my speech to
the most honorable audiences entitled:
“The Importance of Mastering English”
Ladies and Gentlemen,

Language plays an important role in human life. One tries to acquire, learn and use
language as a means of communication, and simultaneously as social symbol of
humanity. By using language someone could make statements, convey facts and
knowledge, explain or report something, and keep social relations among the language
users. These indicate that by means of language, people can express their ideas, feeling,
information etc through communication.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
As one of language in the world, English is considered and applied as international
language. Since then, it is very popular and have been spoken and learnt by almost
people in the world. There are some reasons why English is important and many
people attempt to learn it. Some of them are: for finding job, traveling, interacting one
each other, doing business, taking examination, doing research, writing in the foreign
language, etc.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
In such developing country like Indonesia, English has a vital role in all aspects of life,
particularly in science and technology. Furthermore, it can be used for developing
relationships in the international forum, for reading English book (especially for
students from primary school up to colleges/university), to tighten the relationship
among nations in the world, etc. As students, we learn English are intended to obtain
various knowledge, to comprehend and understand the textbooks learned in English, to
gain knowledge and skills, and to be ready enter to the university, as one of the test
requirements for students of senior High School (SMA), etc. Looking at the above
important roles of English, that is why English is very important to understand and to
master by every people throughout the world since before.
My brothers and sisters!
At the end of my speech, I will quote a wise expression: “English will make everybody
survive and go anywhere”. This expression reminds us how importance of English for
human life is. As global or universal language, English is not only enables us to
communicate and interact with every people throughout the world, but also it could
alter our life to be better. Furthermore, we also must be aware that the western
countries play extra ordinary role in developing and keeping science and technology.
Thus, if we want to be a skilful scientists, linguists, and be able to compete with the
other countries in the world, we must understand, master and learn the language they
use, namely English.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Before ending this speech, let me conclude the essential points of my speech:
1. English is highly necessary to be learned and mastered by everyone, in order to be
able to compete in the globalization era;
2. English is a key to open and master science and technology, because most of
scientists write their experts and inventions in English.

3. As students of high school (SMA), we have to prepare ourselves by learning hard,
particularly English as well as the other subjects at school;
4. By mastering English enables us to become survive and go anywhere throughout
the world;
Goethe (a Greek philosopher) has ever said:
“Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do”
Remember: Language indicates Nation. And Don’t Forget “English is a bridge for the
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I think it’s completely enough for me to this point. The wrong utterances are caused by
limitation of my ability and the right ones are merely from Allah SWT. So, I beg your
pardon, finally I say.
Wassalamu’alaikum Warahmatullohi Wabarakatuh

This English speech script is written by Mr. Jasmansyah
Source: www.mgmp2008.wordpress.com
Edited and re-uploaded on www.haarrr.wordpress.com by Mr. Har



Topic : The Negative Effects of Television in Our Daily Life
Grade : SMP / SMA / SMK / College
Script :
To the honorable juries, teachers, participants, and all the audiences…
Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.
Ladies and gantlemen…
Let us say Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamin to the Almighty Allah SWT, let us send our
salaam and shalawat to our beloved prophet Muhammad SAW.
Before I deliver my speech, I would like to say thank you very much for the MC who
has given me chance to join this English speech contest.
Brothers and sisters…
I would like to deliver my speech entitled: “The Negative Effects of Television in our
Television is a popular form of communication medium in any household. It has also
become an important part in our daily life. It cannot be denied that television from
which we get information and entertainments, has contributed to the improvement of
our society. But, on the contrary, I think television tends to have a tremendous
influence on its viewers.
Ladies and gentlemen…
Instead of its advantages, the presence of television also affects negatively on our
society. First, based on the recent research, people of all ages use this media to
entertain themselves for an average of five hours a day. The content exposure of TV,
of course, will influence the viewers, not only their thinking but also attitudes. This
can be seen from the fact that many criminalities are inspired from the scene of TV.
Second, people can be adversely influenced by constant watching TV. They less
participate in physical and social activities, spend less time reading and working, and
see a work of violence that can affect their feeling of security.
The last, commercial advertisements on TV can be a kind of brain washing.
Physicologically, constant show of advertisements will create people’s images about
one product. No wonder people are easier to remember the motto or slogan of an
©2009_ www.haarrr.wordpress.com
advertisement than to retrieve information that they have learned.
The participants and audiences…
Based on my explanation above, it is clear that TV will be a kind of monster if we
cannot manage it well. It is very important for us to handle and manage the
presence of television in order to overcome the negative effects of television,
especially for children and young generation.
That is my speech. I hope it will be useful for us. Thank you very much for your
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.
Note :
effect (n) : pengaruh, dampak
affect (v) : berpengaruh
influence (v) : mempengaruhi
influence (n) : pengaruh

(TAKEN FROM ;http://haarrr.wordpress.com)


Topic : How to face globalization era
Grade : SMP / SMA / SMK / College
Script : Mr. Har _ http://haarrr.wordpress.com, e-mail: suehhar@live.com
Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
First of all, let us praise to the Almighty Allah SWT, because of His Blessing we are
able to attend this English speech contest. Secondly, may peace be upon the prophet
Muhammad Saw who has guided us from the darkness into the brightness.
I would also like to say many thanks to the juries and MC who have given me
opportunity to deliver an English speech in front of you all.
Ladies and Gentlemen…
The topic of my speech is “How to Face Globalization Era”.
As we all know, nowadays our world is in globalization era. We often hear it.
Globalization is the process of transformation of local or regional phenomena into
global or international phenomena. This process is a combination of economic,
technological, sociocultural and political forces. In other words, every country in this
world can influence other countries.
Because of globalization, this world which consists of many countries is like “a global
village”. This term refers to the fact that people are considered to live in this planet
without borders, without limitation. People are able to access any kinds of
information easily. There is no difficulty to communicate, there is no barrier to
interact with other people from all over the world.
Brothers and sisters…
Globalization has various aspects which affect the world, such as: in industry,
finance, economy, politics, technology, and socio-culture. If our country wants to
survive in this globalization era, we must be smart people. We should take all of the
positive effects of globalization and we should not take the negative effects. For
example: we need to adopt and learn high technology from developed country in
order to develop our country. On the contrary, we must not imitate bad attitudes or
behaviors from other countries like free sex and drugs abuse.
Brothers and sisters…
©2009_ www.haarrr.wordpress.com
It is a fact that there are many challenges in globalization era. It cannot be denied
that globalization is related with competition and the ability to survive. The question
is: what should we do in order to face the globalization era?
The first one is, build up and strengthen good characters based on the religion. If we
are Moslem, the guide of our lives is Islam. Second, we must master technology in
order to develop our country. The last, always be ready to face any kinds of change
and competition by preparing and upgrading our skills.
Ladies and Gentlemen…
Brothers and Sisters…
That’s all my speech. Hopefully, it will be useful for all of us. Thank you very much
for your attention.
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

(taken from; http://haarrr.wordpress.com)



UU sisdiknas No 20/2003 Bab XII pasal 45 ayat 1 dijelaskan bahwa : "Setiap satuan pendidikan formal dan nonformal menyediakan sarana dan prasarana yang memenuhi keperluan pendidikan sesuai dengan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan potensi fisik, kecerdasan intelektual, sosial, emosional, dan kejiwaan peserta didik". Pasal ini menekankan pentingnya sarana dan prasarana dalam satuan pendidikan, sebab tanpa didukung adanya sarana dan prasarana yang relevan, maka pendidikan tidak akan berjalan secara efektif.

A. Pengertian Standar Sarana dan Prasarana Pendidikan

Standar adalah persyaratan minimal yang ditetapkan oleh
suatu lembaga. Standar ini akan berfungsi sebagai acuan dasar yang bersifat nasional bagi semua pihak yang berkepentingan, dalam tiga hal, yaitu (1) perencanaan dan perancangan sarana dan prasarana; (2) pelaksanaan pengadaan dan pemeliharaan sarana dan prasarana; dan (3) pengawasan ketersediaan dan kondisi sarana dan prasarana.

1. Sarana adalah perlengkapan pembelajaran yang dapat dipindah-pindah.
2. Prasarana adalah fasilitas dasar untuk menjalankan fungsi sekolah/madrasah.
3. Perabot adalah sarana pengisi ruang.
4. Peralatan pendidikan adalah sarana yang secara langsung digunakan untuk pembelajaran.
5. Media pendidikan adalah peralatan pendidikan yang digunakan untuk membantu komunikasi dalam pembelajaran.
6. Buku adalah karya tulis yang diterbitkan sebagai sumber belajar.
7. Buku teks pelajaran adalah buku pelajaran yang menjadi pegangan peserta didik dan guru untuk setiap mata pelajaran.
8. Buku pengayaan adalah buku untuk memperkaya pengetahuan peserta didik dan guru.
9. Buku referensi adalah buku rujukan untuk mencari informasi atau data tertentu.
10. Sumber belajar lainnya adalah sumber informasi dalam bentuk selain buku meliputi jurnal, majalah, surat kabar, poster, situs (website), dan compact disk.
11. Bahan habis pakai adalah barang yang digunakan dan habis dalam waktu relatif singkat.
12. Perlengkapan lain adalah alat mesin kantor dan peralatan tambahan yang digunakan untuk mendukung fungsi sekolah/madrasah.
13. Teknologi informasi dan komunikasi adalah satuan perangkat keras dan lunak yang berkaitan dengan akses dan pengelolaan informasi dan komunikasi.
14. Lahan adalah bidang permukaan tanah yang di atasnya terdapat prasarana sekolah/madrasah meliputi bangunan, lahan praktik, lahan untuk prasarana penunjang, dan lahan pertamanan.
15. Bangunan adalah gedung yang digunakan untuk menjalankan fungsi sekolah/madrasah.
16. Ruang kelas adalah ruang untuk pembelajaran teori dan praktik yang tidak memerlukan peralatan khusus.
17. Ruang perpustakaan adalah ruang untuk menyimpan dan memperoleh informasi dari berbagai jenis bahan pustaka.
18. Ruang laboratorium adalah ruang untuk pembelajaran secara praktik yang memerlukan peralatan khusus.
19. Ruang pimpinan adalah ruang untuk pimpinan melakukan kegiatan pengelolaan sekolah/madrasah.
20. Ruang guru adalah ruang untuk guru bekerja di luar kelas, beristirahat, dan menerima tamu. 21. Ruang tata usaha adalah ruang untuk pengelolaan administrasi sekolah/madrasah.
22. Ruang konseling adalah ruang untuk peserta didik mendapatkan layanan konseling dari konselor berkaitan dengan pengembangan pribadi, sosial, belajar, dan karir.
23. Ruang UKS adalah ruang untuk menangani peserta didik yang mengalami gangguan kesehatan dini dan ringan di sekolah/madrasah.
24. Tempat beribadah adalah tempat warga sekolah/madrasah melakukan ibadah yang diwajibkan oleh agama masing-masing pada waktu sekolah.
25. Ruang organisasi kesiswaan adalah ruang untuk melakukan kegiatan kesekretariatan pengelolaan organisasi peserta didik.
26. Jamban adalah ruang untuk buang air besar dan/atau kecil.
27. Gudang adalah ruang untuk menyimpan peralatan pembelajaran di luar kelas, peralatan sekolah/madrasah yang tidak/belum berfungsi, dan arsip sekolah/madrasah.
28. Ruang sirkulasi adalah ruang penghubung antar bagian bangunan sekolah/madrasah.
29. Tempat berolahraga adalah ruang terbuka atau tertutup yang dilengkapi dengan sarana untuk melakukan pendidikan jasmani dan olah raga.
30. Tempat bermain adalah ruang terbuka atau tertutup untuk peserta didik dapat melakukan kegiatan bebas.
31. Rombongan belajar adalah kelompok peserta didik yang terdaftar pada satu satuan kelas.
Sebuah SD/MI sekurang-kurangnya memiliki prasarana sebagai berikut:
1. ruang kelas,
2. ruang perpustakaan,
3. laboratorium IPA,
4. ruang pimpinan,
5. ruang guru,
6. tempat beribadah,
7. ruang UKS,8. jamban,
9. gudang,
10. ruang sirkulasi,
11. tempat bermain/berolahraga.
Sebuah SMP/MTs sekurang-kurangnya memiliki prasarana sebagai berikut:
1. ruang kelas,
2. ruang perpustakaan,
3. ruang laboratorium IPA,
4. ruang pimpinan,
5. ruang guru,
6. ruang tata usaha,
7. tempat beribadah,
8. ruang konseling,
9. ruang UKS,
10. ruang organisasi kesiswaan,
11. jamban,
12. gudang,
13. ruang sirkulasi,
14. tempat bermain/berolahraga.
Sebuah SMA/MA sekurang-kurangnya memiliki prasarana sebagai berikut:
1. ruang kelas,
2. ruang perpustakaan,
3. ruang laboratorium biologi,
4. ruang laboratorium fisika,
5. ruang laboratorium kimia,
6. ruang laboratorium komputer,
7. ruang laboratorium bahasa,
8. ruang pimpinan,
9. ruang guru,
10. ruang tata usaha,
11. tempat beribadah,
12. ruang konseling,
13. ruang UKS,
14. ruang organisasi kesiswaan,
15. jamban,
16. gudang,
17. ruang sirkulasi,
18. tempat bermain/berolahraga

Hubungan Antara Sarana Dan Prasarana Dengan Program Pengajaran

Jenis peralatan dan perlengkapan yang disediakan di sekolah mempunyai pengaruh besar terhadap proses belajar mengajar. Persediaan yang kurang dan tidak memadai akan menghambat proses belajar mengajar , demikian pula administrasinya yang jelek akan mengurangi kegunaan alat-alat dan perlengkapan tersebut, sekalipun peralatan dan perlengkapan pengajaran itu keadaannya istimewa. Namun yang lebih penting dari itu semua adalah penyediaan sarana di sekolah di sesuaikan dengan kebutuhan anak didik serta kegunaan hasilnya di masa mendatang.


Sebagaimana juga telah ditetapkan dalam UUSPN Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 dan PP Nomor 19 Tahun 2005, dan lebih dijabarkan dalam Permendiknas Nomor 19 Tahun 2007 bahwa “setiap satuan pendidikan wajib memenuhi standar pengelolaan pendidikan yang berlaku secara nasional”, beberapa aspek standar pengelolaan sekolah yang harus dipenuhi adalah meliputi:

(1) perencanaan program,
(2) pelaksanaan rencana kerja,
(3) pengawasan dan evaluasi,
(4) kepemimpinan sekolah/madrasah, dan
(5) sistem informasi manajemen.

Standar perencanaan program sekolah meliputi: rumusan visi sekolah, misi sekolah, tujuan sekolah, rencana kerja sekolah. Standar pelaksanaan rencana kerja sekolah, maka harus terpenuhi dan terealisasi beberapa aspek dalam penyelenggaraan pendidikan yaitu: kepemilikan pedoman-pedoman sekolah yang mengatur berbagai aspek pengelolaan secara tertulis, struktur organisaisi sekolah, pelaksanaan kegiatan, bidang kesiswaan, bidang kurikulum dan kegiatan pembelajaran, bidang pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan, bidang sarana dan prasarana, bidang keuangan dan pembiayaan, budaya danyang berlaku secara nasional lingkungan sekolah, dan peran serta masyarakat dan kemitraan.

Standar pengawasan dan evaluasi yang harus juga dipenuhi dan dilaksanakan sekolah adalah: aspek-aspek program pengawasan, evaluasi diri, evaluasi dan pengembangan, evaluasi pendayagunaan pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan, dan akreditasi sekolah. Kepemimpinan sekolah yang diharapkan dapat dipenuhi oleh sekolah antara lain: adanya kepala sekolah yang memenuhi persyaratan, minimal satu wakil kepala sekolah yang dipilih secara demokratis, kepala sekolah memiliki kemampuan memimpin (pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan perilaku) sekolah, dan terdapat pendelegasian sebagian tugas dan kewenangan kepada wakilnya.

Sedangkan sistem informasi manajemen (SIM) merupakan suaru sistem yang mengaplikasikan berbagai bidang pendidikan berbasiskan komputer/internet. Hal ini diharapkan dapat dipenuhi oleh sekolah untuk mengelola dan hiendukung berbagai administrasi sekolah, memberikan fasilitas yang efisien, dan sebagai bentuk layanan informasi dan komunikasi kepada para pemangku kepentingan.



Future tense When a verb is used to show that an action will take place in future. The time expressions of future are tonight, tomorrow, next week, next month next year ate,
The simple future tense divided into 2 (two) : using :” going to “ an I” will”.


The form of The simple future tense “ going to “

S + am/is/are + going to + V 1

There are two function to express “ going to “
1. We use “going to “, when we have already decided to do something or what we intend to do in the future (actions) So, you are going to do something.
Example : Picture I = I’m going to watch TV this evening
2. We use “going to”, when something is going to happen or predicting future happenings.There is something in the present situation that shows what will happen in the future (especially the near future). The speaker feels sure about what will happen because of the situation now.
Example : Picture 2 = It’s going to rain.
b). WILL
S + will + V1

We use “will”. When we decide to do something at the time of speaking.
The speaker has not decided before. It’s spontaneous to say.
Example : Picture 3 = - I’II carry it for you.
- I’II phone you tomorrow, ok ?
Also,we often use “will” with exspressions maybe, I think, I’m sure, to talk about possible plans before you have made a decision.
Example : - Maybe I will see you next week.
- I think I stay home


Arrange these words into good sentence

1. going to – the car – I – am – clean – tomorrow
2. are – we – see – going to – afternon – this – football games
3. the beach – holiday – next – I – am – to – going – to – go
4. will – the library – I – to – am – go – this class – after
5. The English lesson – at – start – will – 10.00 am – Saturday – on
6. Come – think – I – I – will – morning – this - late